
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Gentille -Transformative Power Underrated!

 It's a Sunny Son-day!!! Avast, Ye Swabs, It's the Tale Moby Jo! The Gentille -Transformative Power Underrated! Country loves power in any form or iteration.   We vote based on it.  We watch prime time TV shows admiring the protagonists and antagonists vie for it. We are constantly shifting our discussion and actions with others to get an upper hand.   The love of power is a strong desire to control, influence, or dominate others. It can manifest in various ways, from seeking leadership positions to manipulating situations for personal gain or status. This desire is often driven by a need for control, validation, or a sense of superiority. The secular definition (i.e., attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis) of power is . . . Secular power is the ability to influence or control others. This can manifest in the following forms:  influencing government policies or decisions, controlling resources or wealth, influencing the behavior or opi

Taming of the Shrewd

Rejoice in the Son-Day and  again I say Rejoice! You Tell Me if It's Art: Walker Art Center, Mpls Taming of the Shrewd I am in a constant battle to be patient when in discussions at work. I will focus on pieces of what someone will say and start formulating an answer.  Next, I will find that moment when the speaker is taking a needed breath to interject my clever thoughts. In that nano-second before I speak the treasure cemented in my heart comes to mind,  "Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry" (James 1:19).    This is the practice of self-control, which is a spiritual fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:23).  This is a fruit we must cultivate. When the urge to interject arises, take a deep breath. This brief pause can give you the mental space to weigh your words. From a natural standpoint fruit is the result of a healthy plant producing what it was designed to produce. In the Bible, the wo


More than anything else. . . It's a Son-day! Marveling the Little Show in St. Paul Composed! In a recent meeting, I was listening to an employee from another area explain new processes to improve their services. . . ad nauseam.  The day before this meeting I had asked the employee to give me a specific number of how many employees would be needed for the new process and to provide that information at this meeting.   After the soliloquy, I requested the information from the employee. suffice it to say, this person went on another ramble.  I could feel myself seething inside and wanting to say some kind of snide remark. Here is the history with this person.  She always burdens down a meeting then goes on one of her tangents.  There have been times I've had to strategically interrupt her to allow others to speak.  Concise is not in her vocabulary or skillset. I was at my wits end.  When she did not answer my question the first time, I posed the question differently.  It is a tacti

Blessed are The Chesed

Son-Day on a Hot Summer Night Mde Sota - Dakotan for Waters that Reflect the Clouds Blessed Are The Chesed Chesed is the Hebrew word for lovingkindness.  It is further defined as "kindness or faithful, steadfast love between people".It is the character of the Lord, and God's heart toward those who are His own. It's a character He models for us. Chesed (lovingkindness ) in the Bible Psalm 26:3 For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes, and I have walked in Your truth. Why am I emphasizing kindness?  The thought may be that kindness is just acknowledging another person, being a gentleman, or being low level nice.  Actually, kindness has a deeper level of expectation for a believer.  This really plays out in the New Testament where the Greek word, Chrestos, is used.  The meaning  of this word is "useful or serviceable goodness" Chrestos (kindness) in the Bible: Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward wi