I Wish I Would Have

 Sunny Son-Day

Annual Gopher Run

I Wish I Would Have

I am not sure if this psychologically healthy,  but I find that I am frequently reflecting on how I could done  something better.  It could be my interactions with friends and family, business decisions, career direction, spiritual walk, . . etc.

The result of this reflection often is "I wish I would have . . ."

Sometimes I say it with regret (a nagging feeling experienced when we look back on past decisions or actions and wish we had chosen differently. It may involve emotions of sorrow, disappointment, or guilt).

The weight of regret can paralyze you.  It is a form of un-forgiveness. . . of yourself.  

We must master regret management because we are going to make mistakes.  We need to bounce back up and move forward.

In scriptures, David made a chain of mortal mistakes which led two fatalities.  Here is the set up.  David had an affair with someone else's (Uriah) wife (Bathsheba).   David impregnated Bathsheba.  To cover the mistake, David put the Uriah on frontline to become an acceptable casualty, which in fact happened.  David thought he literally got away with murder.

Nea, I say, nea!

In expository style, I will let the Bible pick it up from here . . .

2 Samuel 12:9-14

You have murdered Uriah the Hittite with the sword of the Ammonites and stolen his wife. 10 From this time on, your family will live by the sword because you have despised me by taking Uriah’s wife to be your own.

“This is what the Lord says: Because of what you have done, I will cause your own household to rebel against you. I will give your wives to another man before your very eyes, and he will go to bed with them in public view. You did it secretly, but I will make this happen to you openly in the sight of all Israel.”

Then David confessed to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.”

Nathan replied, “Yes, but the Lord has forgiven you, and you won’t die for this sin. Nevertheless, because you have shown utter contempt for the word of the Lord by doing this, your child will die.”

A couple of things here.  David admitted he screwed up.  But does not mean there is not a price to pay for a mistake and often this is the root of regret.  I will the Word speak again.

2 Samuel 12
Nathan replied, “Yes, but the Lord has forgiven you, and you won’t die for this sin. Nevertheless, because you have shown utter contempt for the word of the Lord by doing this, your child will die.”

After Nathan returned to his home, the Lord sent a deadly illness to the child of David and Uriah’s wife.

David begged God to spare the child. He went without food and lay all night on the bare ground. The elders of his household pleaded with him to get up and eat with them, but he refused.

Then on the seventh day the child died. David’s advisers were afraid to tell him. “He wouldn’t listen to reason while the child was ill,” they said. “What drastic thing will he do when we tell him the child is dead?”

When David saw them whispering, he realized what had happened. “Is the child dead?” he asked.  “Yes,” they replied, “he is dead.”

David knew God would be true to His Word.  Now watch how David copes . . .

2 Samuel 12:13-19
Then David got up from the ground, washed himself, put on lotions,[b] and changed his clothes. He went to the Tabernacle and worshiped the Lord. After that, he returned to the palace and was served food and ate.

His advisers were amazed. “We don’t understand you,” they told him. “While the child was still living, you wept and refused to eat. But now that the child is dead, you have stopped your mourning and are eating again.”

David replied, “I fasted and wept while the child was alive, for I said, ‘Perhaps the Lord will be gracious to me and let the child live.’ But why should I fast when he is dead? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him one day, but he cannot return to me.” 

Then David comforted Bathsheba, his wife, and slept with her. She became pregnant and gave birth to a son, and David named him Solomon. The Lord loved the child 

Steps David took to manage regret
  • He acknowledged his mistake and did not deflect to someone else.
  • He did not repeat the mistake.  He did not commit adultery again.
  • He tried to make for his mistake with fasting and laying before the LORD
  • He moved on immediately after the child died.  He did not beat himself.
As you can see, David has some gravely serious. but he demonstrated doctorate level of managing regret.  Pieces of which we can apply to our lives.

Song of the Week - Hallelujah! Sing a New Song to GOD. Sing HIS praise in the assembly of godly people. Psalm 149:1.

"You Are God", 1999,  The Katinas

Yes this is a throwback, who is going to complain after hearing the song from this neo-gospel boys band?

Creator of all thingsHealer of my being Through your righteousnessI've been redeemed 
Forgiven by your graceYour joy is my strength When everything has changedYou stay the same 
You are God Bright and Morning Star When I'm down you lift me upYou're the Lover of my heartYou are God Mender of my soul You're the rain that makes me wholeYou are God
Ever-present helpSavior of my life Everything I have belongs to youMy time is in your hands
My purpose is your will I know that you'll provideSo I'll be still 
You are God Bright and Morning Star When I'm down you lift me upYou're the Lover of my heartYou are God Mender of my soul You're the rain that makes me wholeYou are God
You are the One That delivers meIt's not because of what I am But who YOU are 
You are God You're my providerWhen I'm down 
You lift me higherWhen I'm weakYou are the firethat turns me into gold
You are God Alpha, OmegaTake my life Lord I surrender 
You're the rain that makes me wholeYou are God


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