Slowly Becoming Unicorns

 Another Glorious Son-Day!!

Happy Birthday Jo and Happy Father's Day!

Photo from the Washington Monument in Washington D.C.

Happy Juneteenth

Slowly Becoming Unicorns

Last week, I was working a colleague to establish qualifications for a new vacant position.  This person rattled off at least 20 positive necessary qualifications for the position.  I told her you are looking for a unicorn; meaning you are looking for someone that does not exist.

In my line of work, I am seeing more households where an effective and relevant father is no where to be found.  This is having a profound effect on the family members.  Good fathers are becoming an endangered species.  Despite what I see from some sectors of society who are saying men cause too many familial and social ills; followed by who needs them.  A good father leads a good life through the work of the Holy Spirit.  The scriptures encourage believers to model a life for others to follow:

2 Corinthians 3:2-3
Your lives are a letter of recommendation written in others' hearts; everyone can read it and recognize our good work among you. Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This “letter” is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts.

My father said, in this order, God, Family, Church, Education, Work.  A flawless life formula.  Yet fewer people see the value in it.

I submit to you today, to celebrate and support the men, the fathers, the uncles in your lives who do and make a meaningful impact on your life or the lives of your children.   They are hard to find.

Now my message to my birthday love ---- I wish you a happy birthday, and yes this means money cometh, or better I will turn a blind eye to Amazon purchases today.

 Song of the Week  Hallelujah! Sing a New Song to GOD. Sing HIS praise in the assembly of godly people. Psalm 149:1.

"Right Where You Are", 6/13/2024, DOE
Yesterday I played this song on the way to MOA.  I asked, "Do you like this song?" and she replied "DOE is my girl!"  That my friends is all the endorsement you need.  Click on play button below to see the video.  We have a small surprise for you.

I know your feet are heavy, holding at a stand still
Watching every body pass you by
I know you are tired, fighting hare against your own will
It's like heaven is taking its time

And, oh,
I hear you crying out, Jesus, come back now
Give yourself grace, I promise you somehow

He will meet you where you are
He will meet you right where you are
You don't have to walk too far
I'm staying on that, wherever you are at
He knows how to find your heart
Oh, He will meet you right where you are

Would you believe me if I told you it was easier
To let it go and give it up
Trying to prove everybody that you are strong enough
When all you really need is love

I hear you crying out, Jesus, come now
Oh, let your guard down,  it's a safe place now

He will meet you where you are
He will meet you right where you are
You don't have to walk too far
I'm staying on that, wherever you are at
He knows how to find your heart
Oh, He will meet you right where you are

Better days are coming your way
This too shall pass
Better days are coming your way
This too shall pass
Better days are coming your way, oh

He will meet you where you are
He will meet you right where you are
You don't have to walk too far
I'm staying on that, wherever you are at
He knows how to find your heart
Oh, He will meet you right where you are

Better days are coming your way
This too shall pass
Better days are coming your way
This too shall pass
This too shall pass


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