Only The Powerful

Take a Son-Day Drive on This Lovely Day

Summer Vibes

Laughter is Good for the Heart

How Our Summer is Going

Only The Powerful 

The entire world classifies people into hierarchies based job, residence, earnings, assets, weight, athleticism, height, and color to name an obvious few.  If you do not have the right previous descriptors you can be deemed by society as less desirable, unworthy, or a write off.

Recently, I sat in on a conversation with some employees outside one of our buildings.  The conversation turned to a Minneapolis suburb called "Blaine".  They talked about the vivid dichotomy between the impoverished trailer parks and the lavish homes in the new developments.  I then cringed when I heard them refer to the people residing in the trailer homes as "White Trailer Trash" and this was uttered by a person of the same color. I spoke up and said I was uncomfortable with the conversation and that ended it.

Our Lord did not create a physical being , then breathe His spirit of life into it, and then say if you don't meet my standards from the very start, you are trash and off to the lake of fire with you.  He will not write you off.  Quite the contrary, He exercised his unfathomable love and gave us undeserved favor. . . . grace. He modeled exemplary behavior for us to follow,  We do not have the right to dismiss people he created. 

His love drives Him to see through your shortcomings, tendencies, quirks, annoyances, temperament, behavior, and confusion.  Take note: 
1 Peter 4:8-11 (Love, Grace, Service to Others Faithfully, Serve Like Christ)
 Most of all, love one another deeply. Love erases many sins by forgiving them. Welcome others into your homes without complaining. God’s gifts of grace come in many forms. Each of you has received a gift in order to serve others. You should use it faithfully. If anyone speaks, they should do it as one speaking God’s words. If anyone serves, they should do it with the strength God provides. Then in all things God will be praised through Jesus Christ. 

You may be better off on many different financial, societal, or physical determinants of good life.  Keep close to your heart the knowledge who are not where you are at are less than who you are.  Here is the truth:
Philippians 2:3-5 (Think of others better than yourself - Think and act like Christ)
Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves. None of you should look out just for your own good. Each of you should also look out for the good of others. As you deal with one another, you should think and act as Jesus did.

The above passages reveal the personality, mindset, and behavior of Christ. It is what we must do with others. Even those who are incarcerated.  This population is one that is quickly written off.  Christ still loves them and redeeming presence is impactful behind bars.  Just ask the Apostle Paul.

To accomplish love of this magnitude we need to lean into power the Holy Spirit gives us. The Fruit of the Spirit.  I covered some of the fruit in today's post (love, kindness, and goodness).  More to come next week.

As I Am,  2024, Jeremiah Paltan & KDNS

A song about self-reflection and God great grace. It has a soothing rhythm .

Lyrics As I Am

Don't got to worry cause You got me, yeah
You keep me from from falling when I am down and out
Now I am wondering what's the deal with these feeling
Wh is the revealing?

Do I go what it takes or do I fully trust You?
You've shown me only that You want me
I question why in Your grace
Who am I?

So why would You give Your life for me

You're real to me
What do You expect me to do when I
Feel like I ain't good enough for You?
I'd be lost without You, so

Won't You take me as I am
I am, I am
Won't you take me as I am
I am, I am

I'll go wherever You tell me
I knowYou'll never forget me
Though I may get it wrong again

Still, You are a friend to me, to me
Oh, I don't want to be without You
Know I say much more than I do
How You act like it ain't nothing
Love me the way You do

And I want You to be right here, right here
Don't let me leave won't You keep me right here right here
Cause it's starting weigh on me. No, oh, oh, oh
And I've been waiting to tell You

Won't You take me as I am, Won't You take me
I am, I am, I am yeah
Won't you take me as I am, woah take me 
I am, I am

I'll go wherever You tell me
I knowYou'll never forget me
Though I may get it wrong again
Still, You are a friend to me, to me

Even If I fail will You take me?
Even if I'm wrong, Will You take me, yeah
Even with my flaws, will You take me?
Would I have chang or would You take me as I am, oh?
Or would You take as I am oh?
Or you You take me as I am


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