
Showing posts from June, 2024

We Are Always in Good Spirit

This is a Great Son-Day to   Shout Your Praise to Him On This Monumental Occasion We Are Always in Good Spirit Big Joe, the Black Panther and Tenaya Last Thursday night, I watched the presidential debates.  The question of advanced age was posed to both candidates.  The childish answers from both men caused me to text a friend and say, "This is embarrassing".  I wonder what the rest of the world is saying in this moment?  It was not a good look for either candidate.  It made me question their competency to lead this country. I will admit for a moment, I actually felt some anxiousness and thought my options for president are horrible.  We as a nation are not in a good place with either of the two. Then, I got a prompting in my spirit, "Why are you troubled? When in fact you are always in a good place when you depend on me". I got checked! In my weak moment, the Holy Spirit reminded me my foundational hope must not be placed in any man or system. Man and systems can f


A Son-Day to Rejoice and Be Glad in It Honor and Other Things Unequivocal Four years ago, I was appointed to my position by six elected politicians.  During this time, I have litterally had a front sight line to how politics work.  I have seen clear black and white become gray as different interests come into play.  You try to do the right thing, but the will of constituents become a heavy on what should be done.  The masses are not always right.  The masses can easily be swayed by the machinations of one person who is selfishly persuasive.  Often, the masses are oblivious to the fact they are mere pawns in the persuader's hands. A good persuader can even get the masses to ignore the truth and embrace blatant lies because it suits their beliefs.  The truth gets twisted or it's locked away. Embedded in each of us is a heart/soul (our intellect, will, mind, emotions).  We also have a spirit (God's breath of life in us).  Here's one minute of theology (the study of God) pr

Slowly Becoming Unicorns

  Another Glorious Son-Day!! Happy Birthday Jo and Happy Father's Day! Photo from the Washington Monument in Washington  D.C. Happy Juneteenth Slowly Becoming Unicorns Last week, I was working a colleague to establish qualifications for a new vacant position.  This person rattled off at least 20 positive necessary qualifications for the position.  I told her you are looking for a unicorn; meaning you are looking for someone that does not exist. In my line of work, I am seeing more households where an effective and relevant father is no where to be found.  This is having a profound effect on the family members.  Good fathers are becoming an endangered species.  Despite what I see from some sectors of society who are saying men cause too many familial and social ills; followed by who needs them.  A good father leads a good life through the work of the Holy Spirit.  The scriptures encourage believers to model a life for others to follow: 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 Your lives are a letter of

Neo Empowerment

A Glorious Son-Day! Action Jackson News  Neo-Empowerment Jo and I are Arlington Virginia while I attend a conference.   We used public transit to get around the DC area.  The thing that hits you right is the diversity of this area on the streets.  Every strain of humanity can be found here.  It is a wonderful thing to behold. What comes with this level of diversity is all of the culture that makes our lives rich and interesting.  Unsurprisingly, it also comes with things that are not my cup of tea. Your mission should decide to accept it is to love these people. There is a tried and true saying, you can't teach an old dog new tricks.  I have seen the validity of this saying way too many times.  For many people it takes a miracle for them to change. Here is where the Holy Spirit steps in. My upbringing in the church was about the Holy Spirit gifts in action. I still appreciate this upbringing and the impact of the gifts on lives.  I earnestly want to use them.  However, what is ofte

Old School Empowerment

Infinitely a Good Son-day! The Return of Bassin' Gal Old School Empowerment A cat tore up one of my screen windows.  I am in the process of creating a new screen window from scratch.  I want the new window to have the same look as the old.  To get the job completed, I needed the right materials ((i.e., ribs, screen, metal frame, roller, corner clips, and a Dremel tool).  Oh, and knowledge how to do the job. There may be some times in your life when the right materials, resources, tools, and know how are not all available.  There may be a situation in your life where the resource you can rely on is God. Here is where the Holy Spirit comes in with a lunch pail and a hard hat and works for your behalf.  I will provide a few scriptures from the Old Testament that speak to the Holy Spirit empowering people to do beyond their natural abilities and/or knowledge. For starters, I just want to remind you of the power of the Holy Spirit.  At the dawn of our  existence, the Holy Spirit was the