
And Here are the Good Things God Can't Do

๐Ÿ‚ God Son-day with the Autumn Colors๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚ Exquisite Pieces And Here are the Good Things God Can't Do Forty-four years ago, I took multiple courses on Theology (Greek, Theo = God; ology = study).  The courses rooted me and kept me in awe of the greatest ever, forever. I am about to share what I learned back in the day and recently heard it again. I am not stating anything you do not know, but some may need a reminder to realize His power in your life and achieve His destiny in your life. The children and believers of God will be shaken and inspired. I am stoked; so here it goes. God is perfect, correct? Yet there are some things He cannot do.   First, God cannot lie.  Hebrews 6:18  So God has given both His promise and His oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie .  Second, God cannot fail.  Joshua 1:5  No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not   fail   you or abandon

Are You a Consumer or Contributor?

Chilling (literally) on Son-Day! The Beauty, Cutie, and Corn Pone Are You a Consumer or Contributor? Now I am about to go on a rant here about consumers and contributors.  This morning, I had breakfast with my bride, my sister Roma and her groom David. We talked about a variety things including a conversation I had with a parent yesterday who was giving me valuable advice on how to coach in the middle of the game while I was passing on plays to the kids.   The thing is,   my team was up 27-0,  and  we're currently 5-1 on the season.   I looked him and stated, "Please not now. Where were you six weeks when I asked for coaches and no one came forward?"   The response, "I have things I have to do".  Not, "I am working".  He went on to say, "I can come once every two weeks to help".  I told him, "Seriously, kids need consistent and stable support, much like we do".  He walked away. It's frustrating to have people who are quick to cr

Don't Cast Me Away

 Happy Son-Day on an 82 Degree Sabbath On the Prowl for "The W Ring" Don't Cast Me Away I apologize for missing last week.  I t is the height of the football  season and  I've been super busy with flag football for kids in kindergarten through 8th grade, team photography for the high school, and working a full-time job. It's been hectic! I would be remised if never took a moment to note a quiet and divine directive that requires us to care for our wonderfully experienced loved ones in life. I am referring to our seniors, widows, and widowers.   This population is often discounted and ignored by the younger generations.  For instance, advertisers and businesses focus on the more lucrative and coveted younger demographic (age 18-34).  When this happens, the Lord is not pleased. Psalm 71:9 Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone. Those who do cater to seniors seem to be predatory.  Their approach is to exploit them of their last

I Wish I Would Have

 Sunny Son-Day Annual Gopher Run I Wish I Would Have I am not sure if this psychologically healthy,  but I find that I am frequently reflecting on how I could done  something better.  It could be my interactions with friends and family, business decisions, career direction, spiritual walk, . . etc. The result of this reflection often is "I wish I would have . . ." Sometimes I say it with regret (a nagging feeling experienced when  we look back on past decisions or actions and wish we had chosen differently.   It may involve emotions of sorrow, disappointment, or guilt). The weight of regret can paralyze you.  It is a form of un-forgiveness. . . of yourself.   We must master regret management because we are going to make mistakes.  We need to bounce back up and move forward. In scriptures, David made a chain of mortal mistakes which led two fatalities.  Here is the set up.  David had an affair with someone else's (Uriah) wife (Bathsheba).   David impregnated Bathsheba.  To

Forgiveness Without An Apology

September Son-Day !!!     The Opener Forgiveness Without an Apology Forgiveness is a wonderful gift to the victim and perpetrator.  Achieving full forgiveness can be challenging, if not impossible when there is no apology. Now, I can take the quick route here in explaining how to accomplish complete forgiveness by reflecting Christ's experience from Judas' betrayal, Peter's 3-time denial, 39 whip lashes, a sham trial ending in a death sentence, mockery and torture while on the cross, and denial of His resurrection in the presence of the living God.  Yet Christ forgave even as a condemned man on the cross (Forgive them for they do not know what they do, Luke 23:24) .  During these events, Christ did not receive an apology but forgave unrequitedly (expecting nothing in return). My counsel is concise, follow Christ's lead. I will say it, "Thanks preacher man. That's easy to say, but I am still on a journey to achieving that level of enlightenment. Please provide s

Happy Hands

 Summer Set Son-Day! The Great Get-Together Happy Labor Day! Happy Hands Due to the holiday I will make this concise.  God honors laborers.  I am enjoying my 45th year at Hennepin County and He has given me the strength to chug along and be blessed. The Bible says: Colossians 3:23 Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Ephesians 4:28 Let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that in need. Proverbs 14:23  In all labor there is profit. Proverbs 12:11  He that tills, his land shall be satisfied with bread. Enjoy your last summer holiday and enjoy the fruit of your labor. Next up . . . " Forgiveness Without An Apology " Song of the Week -   Hallelujah! Sing a New Song to GOD. Sing HIS praise in the assembly of godly people. Psalm 149:1. "Church Doors", 2024, Yolanda Adams You knew I had to feature a Yolanda song at one point. Lyrics I heard your spirit say "girl, you're not done&